Active (Status): This option once checked makes the Promo Code available in the Front Office to the final customers.
Name: Promotion Code Name (not displayed to end users);
Code: Alphanumeric code to create (no character limit);
Max. Reservations (0 = unlimited reservations): Set the maximum number of possible bookings you can make with a promo code (0 = unlimited number of reservations).
Start Date: first day the code is active for reservations (does not influence stay date, use rate plans to control stay dates to be applied);
End Date: last day the code is active for reservations (does not influence stay date, use rate plans to control stay dates to be applied);
Discount Type: type of discount associated (in value, percentage, by value by room or by value by night);
Value: absolute value of the percentage discount or amount to reduce in reservation value;
Rate Plan: select "Rate Plan" subject to the code offer;
Apply to Extras: Once checked this option allows you to apply the current Promo Code to the Extras.
Only for Mobile: Once checked this option this Promo Code will only work for the Mobile Users.