
Hotel Facilities

The Features (Facilities) of the Hotels / Rooms are a list of general services that hotels / rooms can offer to their customers.
In this menu you can be add facilities to the Hotel or to the Room.
Hotel Facilities
Hotels Facilities menu entry Page
Note: On the top of the list you have access to a menu that allows you to navigate between the characteristics of Hotels and Rooms.
Insert Hotel Features: To insert Hotel Features simply click the button "Add Facility" then you will see a form with the Designation field, in different languages.
Insert Room Features: To insert Hotel Features, simply click the button "Add Facility" then you will see a form with the Designation field, in different languages.

Edit the Hotel / Rooms Facilities

1. Edit the Hotel / Rooms Facilities
Here you can edit the Hotel Facilities.

Add Facility Button

2. Add Facility Button
Clicking on this button you will be able to create a new Facility.