
Hotel Supplements

The Supplements of the hotels / rooms are a list of complementary services that hotels / rooms can offer to their customers.
In this menu you can add supplements to the hotel or to the room.
Hotel Supplements
Supplements menu entry page
Note: On the top of the list you have access to a menu that allows you to navigate between the characteristics of the Hotels and the Rooms.
Insert Hotels Supplements: To insert hotels supplements, simply click on the "Add Supplement" (Hotels menu) button, then you will see a form with the following data: Description, Detail and Image in the different languages.
Insert Rooms Supplements: To insert room supplements, simply click on the link "Add Supplement" (Rooms menu) button, then you will see a form with the following data: Description and Details, People Charge Type, Period Charge Type, For All Booking Period and Image in the different available languages.


1. Edit
Here you can edit Hotel / Room Supplements.

Add Supplement Button

2. Add Supplement Button
Here you can Add Hotel and Room Supplements.